Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Final Design Presentation

The open plan with a changing level concept is chosen in order to maximize the visual space in the gallery, meaning maximize the use of the space inside the gallery, which considerably narrow compare to other two sites. The changing level is achieved by putting the few steps differentiating gallery spaces. The changing level concept may give the visual attractiveness to the visitors inside gallery. It may also allow people to look back, knowing what happen inside the gallery next to it. It gives the sense of vertical movement through the steps which are applied between exhibition spaces, giving more visual experiences enjoying the art work

There are mainly three galleries that are not divided by wall, but by the changes of their level. The sculpture gallery welcomes the guesses entering the building, followed by other two painting gallery spaces.

The design of the building divide the public and service access into two part. Public in the front, services in the back, separated by court yard which situated in the middle of the building. The court yard works as the place for gallery outdoor events. The services, like workshop and storage is situated in the back for easy storing access.

The elevated angled rood facing north and east is used for the natural sunlight access for the gallery. Double glazing skylight is used to control the light entering the gallery, creating an even diffused light that is very essential aspect for two painting gallery. An even light is essential as it supports the visitors vision enjoying the paintings. The sculpture gallery has the main natural light source mainly from the transparent facade, making maximum use of daylight from south facing facade.

The facade is transparent and having a square frame to allow pedestrian look inside the gallery space, hoping the pedestrians will be attracted by the view and get into the gallery space.

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